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This is dope. Love hearing about the 27 club.
Love it!!
One of the greatest podcasts out there. Please keep up the good work!
This Podcast is so in depth that I who hosts a Classic Rock Podcast learnt a lot of stuff about each of the artists in these Podcasts. So many people would really enjoy this, Once I started listening I couldn’t stop until I had all the Podcasts listened to. Thanks so much Jacy.
Pre diction
So strange that these numerology and predictions are always done after the event, even a backward ameba that’s had a lobotomy can write this mumbo-jumbo after it’s happened. Why not try a prediction instead or is that a stupid question, il predict the answer. Apart from the hogwash of moon in Uranus with an underlying mystique with the number eleventytwelve, the stories are good, just ruined with the magic.
5 stars are not enough
Love this podcast & cannot wait until the next one is released.
Show ideas
I would love for you all to do more of these. It would be nice if you all could touch all areas of music as well as the movie industry. keep up the great job.
I love this podcast
I love love love this podcast. I love how you really dive deep and from so many angles!
Very well done
I’m not sure how I stumbled across this podcast but I just love it. The history combined with the mystical elements draws me into the story. The music is simple but borders on eerie which gives the podcast a chilling effect. It’s not like anything else out there and I listen to a lot of podcasts. Please do more stories and keep up the excellent work.
More episodes NEEDED!!!!
Excellent show!
More please , where did you guys go???? Love this show.
This podcast is one of my faves!!!!
The first episode I listened to was 27 Club. It was soooo interesting!
Keep it up
I’m really enjoying this podcast. It is interesting and well researched and great presenters. Like the numerology and astrology added!
Something a little different
I love the concept for this podcast!!
The Horoscope Podcast
I don’t know why but they started talking about the horoscopes of the episode subjects, and these seem to go on longer than the actual story itself. Like the podcast but found myself fast forwarding everytime the woman would come on and drone about how this guy killed that one because the moon over Aquarius lined up with Saturn on the 4th day yada yada yada. Please just go back to the facts of the stories :-)
Love this podcast!
Would like to see more frequent episodes, great stories told very well! More, please!
Very cool
Amazing very cool to combine so many aspects into each event . Id like to get my chart interpreted by this talented crew !
Enjoyable podcast
Keep up the good work
Thank you for Viola Beach!
SPOILER ALERT! Because of this podcast I have a new (although they are all dead) favourite band! Great show!
Awesome podcast!!!!
More please!!